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Figure 10.21 Immunofluo-rescence labeling of skeletal muscle

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2006-04-15  來(lái)源:-  作者:567 x 781 像素  瀏覽次數(shù):189
核心提示:a) to c) Levels of laminin- 2 were similar in all three genotypes. d) to o) Levels of the DGC proteins -dystro- glycan, -sarcoglycan, dystrophin, and 1-syntrophin were markedly reduced in mdx muscle but normal in adbn/ muscle. p) to r) In contrast, l
Immunofluo-rescence labeling of skeletal musclefrom wt, adbn/and mdx mice
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