

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-10-26
核心提示:Mid Brain reports: I'm more of a beer person myself, but here's good news for the red wine fans in the Beauty Brains community: a new technology that can turn vino into skin creams (and more.)red-wine-bath Red wine technology ScienceDaily reports

    Mid Brain reports:

    I'm more of a beer person myself, but here's good news for the red wine fans in the Beauty Brains community: a new technology that can turn vino into skin creams (and more.)red-wine-bath

    Red wine technology

    ScienceDaily reports that the German chemical analysis company Spectral Service in partnership with Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum (TTZ)) and the Spanish natural cosmetics company Alfaverde Productos Naturales, have developed a powdered version of red wine that can be used in skin creams as well as foods and drinks.

    The trick was to develop a gentle drying process that did not use heat that could destroy the active ingredients (proteins and polyphenols) They found that skin creams formulated with this powder had potential anti-wrinkle effects. It's a little bit weird though, because the cream starts out with a violet color that fades as the product is absorbed into the skin.

    Red Green

    From a "green" perspective, this is a great technology because it creates a new, useful raw material from a red wine by-product that can no longer be dumped on land (according to European regulations.) Just in Germany alone, there are about 120,000 hectolitres of wine by-products, enough to produce 12,000 tonnes of dried red wine powder.

    The Beauty Brains bottom line

    It's great to see companies researching ingredients that are both efficacious and environmentally friendly.


    我自己更多的時(shí)候喝啤酒,但是對(duì)于紅酒愛(ài)好者來(lái)說(shuō),在美麗大腦 社區(qū)上有個(gè)好消息:一種新科技可以將酒轉(zhuǎn)化為護(hù)膚霜(以及更多).


    科學(xué)日?qǐng)?bào)報(bào)道與Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum(TTZ)和西班牙天然化妝品公司Alfaverde Productos Naturales有伙伴關(guān)系的德國(guó)化學(xué)分析公司Spectral Service, 已經(jīng)研制出一種粉末狀紅酒,可以用于護(hù)膚霜及食品和飲料。






關(guān)鍵詞: 時(shí)尚 美容 紅酒 美膚法


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