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Scandium (Sc)

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-05-28
核心提示:Scandium is one of the rare chemicals, which can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. All rare chemicals have comparable properties. Scandium can rarely be found in nature, a

Scandium is one of the rare chemicals, which can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. All rare chemicals have comparable properties.
Scandium can rarely be found in nature, as it occurs in very small amounts. Scandium is usually found only in two different kinds of ores. The use of scandium is still growing, due to the fact that it is suited to produce catalysers and to polish glass.
Scandium is mostly dangerous in the working environment, due to the fact that damps and gasses can be inhaled with air. This can cause lung embolisms, especially during long-term exposure. Scandium can be a threat to the liver when it accumulates in the human body.

關(guān)鍵詞: Scandium (Sc)
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