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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-04
核心提示:More than a third of young women have been sexually assaulted after getting drunk, according to new research. 最新公布的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示,超過三分之一的年輕女性在醉酒后曾遭受過性攻擊。 The findings are released by the Portman Group, a campaigning bo

    More than a third of young women have been sexually assaulted after getting drunk, according to new research.


    The findings are released by the Portman Group, a campaigning body funded by the drinks industry. The "Anatomy of a big night out" survey reveals that 34% of young women have had unplanned or unprotected sex after drinking too much. Just 2% of men questioned said they had been sexually assaulted after drinking too much. More than a quarter (27%) of women had been arrested or cautioned by police while drunk compared to just 16% of men, according to the survey.


    And nearly a fifth (19%) of the female interviewees had been injured through an accident after getting drunk compared to 14% of men.

    Of the 1,000 people questioned, 63% had phoned in sick for work after a big night out.


    More than half the young women questioned (59%) had got into an argument while drunk compared to 45% of men. Almost half of the young women questioned did not eat a meal either before or during a big night out.


    The survey of 18 to 30-year-olds revealed that 34% of interviewees got drunk due to peer pressure. Almost one third of interviewees said they drank too much because they had a bad day or week and 31% said they got drunk to make them feel more confident.


關(guān)鍵詞: 喝醉 危險(xiǎn)
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