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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-11
核心提示:Here are some reasons why people, despite their effort, still fail to meet their goals. As we know, all human beings are created equal, yet we don't know why there are those who succeed and those who fail to meet their goals in life. In this article

Here are some reasons why people, despite their effort, still fail to meet their goals.

As we know, all human beings are created equal, yet we don't know why there are those who succeed and those who fail to meet their goals in life. In this article you will see some of the reasons why there are some who fail despite the effort of doing good.

1. Some people live by the expectation of others.

2. Some people do often imitate others rather than being themselves. Have you ever heard of parents saying to their children, "Can't you be like your brother/sister who always get high grades?" This is the exact reason why there are some people, instead of succeeding in their studies, fail to meet the standards because of the pressure they feel.

3. Some people are afraid to break traditionalism.

4. Some people are afraid of the consequences they might get to the point that they don't want to try anything at all.

The businessmen you know in the modern times never succeed by doing exact way some people did it before. They made a difference that is why they were noticed by the consumers. People should never be afraid of doing new things for it might not be recognized readily, I know as time pass by it will soon be.

5. Some people fail to learn spiritual knowledge.

6. Some people are very materialistic. There are many kinds of knowledge, but all of those are senseless unless you gain spiritual knowledge. What now if you get alot of money if God will end up your life tomorrow. We need to honor, if you don't believe in a God, perhaps a higher entity for you to be guided.

7. Some people are often easily distracted.

8. Some people are not focused on what they're doing. These two could be considered to be major contributors to the failure humans get. There are many beautiful and interesting things that surround us that is why there are many people that are distracted from what they're doing. Instead of being focus to a specific work, some people's mind are confused.

9. Some people are afraid to commit mistakes. There are many who do not even bother trying something because they are afraid that they might commit errors but think again, are those successful people never committed mistakes in life? Of course they did. We learn from our mistakes. Most of the things here in this world are made by trial and error, but once you get it right the price is more than right.

10. Some people love to fantasize instead of accepting the reality of this world.

11. Some people are just too lazy to do anything. Even in ancient writings and the bible testify that those who do not work shall never have a better life. How could you even have money if you don't work for it. There are those who even try to be a garbageman for the sake of earning money, but they even worth our salutations because at least they picked a noble profession other that just robbing a bank.

12. Some people are not humble enough to admit that they too have their faults. In anythings we do, we can never prevent accidents from happening but please do also admit sometimes that half of it is also your fault for being clumsy. Just like in any relationship may it be personal or professional, one should be humble enough to lower himself/herself down for the relationship to last long.

13. Some people are not often ready for 2nd options. There are some who are satisfied with mediocrity that they do not anymore consider having a backup ideas to cover their work.

14. They are very confident of themselves that they do not anymore consider asking for any help from others.

15. Some people do not accept criticisms.

16. They fail to maintain positivity. There are many people who always give up to easily when confronted with difficulties in life. People should always think twice that maybe this hardships that they face might be a blessing in disguise.

17. Some people fail to understand the true meaning of their lives.

For us to succeed we should always know first our real purpose of existence, else everything in us would be senseless. You could do this by self evaluation, reflection, or perhaps by taking a test.




   2. 有些人經(jīng)常模仿他人而不去做真正的自己。你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)到過(guò)有的家長(zhǎng)對(duì)他們的子女說(shuō):“你怎么就不能像哥哥姐姐那樣總是得高分?”這就可以確切地解釋為什麼有的人學(xué)習(xí)不好,達(dá)不到要求是因?yàn)樗麄兏械教蟮膲毫Α?br />
   3. 有些人害怕打破常規(guī)。

   4. 有些人害怕會(huì)遇到的結(jié)果以至于根本不想做任何嘗試。


   5. 缺少精神方面的知識(shí)。

   6. 有些人太物質(zhì)化。有很多種類的知識(shí),除非你獲得了精神方面的知識(shí),否則其他也是無(wú)意義的。如果現(xiàn)在你擁有很多錢,而上帝明天就要終止你的生命你會(huì)怎麼辦?我們需要榮譽(yù),即使你不相信上帝,也會(huì)有更高的事物指導(dǎo)你。

   7. 有的人經(jīng)常容易受干擾而分心。

   8. 有些人不能專注于他們所做事情。這兩方面是有些人失敗的主要原因。在我們生活周圍有很多美麗有趣的東西,就是這些讓很多人從所做的事情中分散注意力。一些人的思維被打亂,就不能集中精力去做具體的工作。

   9. 有些人害怕承認(rèn)錯(cuò)誤。有很多人甚至不去嘗試因?yàn)樗麄兒ε聲?huì)犯錯(cuò)。但再想想,那些成功的人難道就在生活中永遠(yuǎn)不犯錯(cuò)嗎?當(dāng)然他們會(huì)。我們會(huì)從錯(cuò)誤中吸取教訓(xùn)。世界上的大部分事情都由嘗試和犯錯(cuò)組成,但你一旦做成功了,價(jià)值遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)大于成功。


  11. 有些人就是太懶惰了,什麼也不想干。就是從古代的文字和圣經(jīng)中也能得到證明那些什麼都不干的人不會(huì)過(guò)上好的生活。你不去工作怎么能掙到錢呢。有的人為了掙錢甚至于去撿垃圾,但他們也值得我們尊敬是因?yàn)樗麄冞x擇從事的至少比搶銀行的人高尚。

  12. 有些人并不足夠謙虛來(lái)承認(rèn)他們也有弱點(diǎn)。在我們所做的任何事情中,我們不能預(yù)防失誤的發(fā)生但是也請(qǐng)承認(rèn)有時(shí)一半的原因也是因?yàn)槟愕淖玖硬旁斐墒д`。就像在任何人際關(guān)系中一樣,不論是個(gè)人交往還是職業(yè)中,一個(gè)人足夠謙虛來(lái)降低自己身份才能讓這種關(guān)系持久。

  13. 有些人并不能經(jīng)常為二次選擇做好準(zhǔn)備。有些人對(duì)平庸的現(xiàn)狀滿意以至于不再考慮要為今后更換工作留一個(gè)備份的辦法。

  14. 有人對(duì)自己太過(guò)于自信而從不考慮向他人尋求幫助。


  16. 有些人不能保持積極的態(tài)度。有很多人當(dāng)在生活中面對(duì)困難時(shí)很輕易就放棄了。人們應(yīng)當(dāng)再次想想也許這些他們所面對(duì)的困難也許就是一種變相的祝福。

  17. 有些人不能理解生命的真正意義。

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