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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-29
核心提示:41.在友情的盆栽中培養(yǎng)愛(ài)情不是件容易的事,但是在長(zhǎng)出愛(ài)情的盆栽里培養(yǎng)友情是件更困難的事。如果掏空了我心中的土,是否能培養(yǎng)出過(guò)去那種友呢? Its not easy to change friendship into love. But it's even harder to turn love into friendship. If I swallow my


    It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it's even harder to turn love into friendship. If I swallow my heart, whether I can regain the friendship once I had.   


    If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up. I just accompany you merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.   


    Never get a lover that no one can replace, otherwise you will be easily replaced. The freedom between lovers is like an overdue check that you can own it forever but can not turn it in cash.   


    I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.   


    When we grow up with happiness and sorrows, a story is coming out. We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time.  


    I comfort myself like this: although I am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, I can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind.   


    All the love stories have something in common. Once upon a time, I have that experience too. but I can not remember it clearly. All I can remember is that love returns with another man bringing new hopes to me.   


    Once I have the chance to witness his worst moment, but you still can accept his defects and keep this as secret. Then your love will last longer.   


    I believe in the fairy story you wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story.   


    The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.



關(guān)鍵詞: 愛(ài)情 語(yǔ)句
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