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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2020-05-11  來(lái)源:滬江英語(yǔ)  作者:foodtrans
核心提示:If youve put in great work at your company, but theres no next rung on the ladder in sight, youre not alone.如果你在公司

If you’ve put in great work at your company, but there’s no next rung on the ladder in sight, you’re not alone.



Laura Poisson, a vice president at Boston-based career development firm ClearRock, offers these tips:



Contribute more directly to the company’s most significant strategic goals. The few promotions that are happening right now are happening, well, where the money is made. If you find yourself separate from that, ask to work on a project that puts you in a position where you can either make or save money for the business.

1. 更直接為公司最重要的戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)做貢獻(xiàn)。如今為數(shù)不多的晉升都發(fā)生在為公司帶來(lái)利潤(rùn)的崗位。如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己和這些職位無(wú)關(guān),就要求做能為公司賺錢(qián)或省錢(qián)的項(xiàng)目。


2. Explicitly discuss your career goals with your boss. This includes planning for who would take your place if you get promoted or switch positions. You may need to target a new candidate to mentor.

2. 開(kāi)誠(chéng)布公和老板討論你的職業(yè)目標(biāo)。這包括計(jì)劃如果你得到晉升或跳槽時(shí)誰(shuí)來(lái)代替你的位置。你可能需要指導(dǎo)新徒弟。


3. Figure out what you want. If a promotion is out of the picture for the time being, think about what else would keep you around—like flex time, more vacation days or additional training.

3. 找出你想要的。如果現(xiàn)在還沒(méi)希望晉升,想想你還要什么——比如彈性工作時(shí)間、更多假期或額外培訓(xùn)。


4. Assess whether it’s worth it to stay. Maybe you’ve been telling yourself to wait it out because your company is a good place to work, but there are a lot of good places to work. Moving on could help give you a much-needed boost of confidence.

4. 評(píng)估公司是否值得你留下來(lái)。也許你一直告訴自己再等等,因?yàn)檫@是家不錯(cuò)的公司,但好公司何其多。換個(gè)環(huán)境可以給你需要的信心。




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