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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-11-10
核心提示:It's time for my annual fall PC buyer's guide. As always, this guide covers what average consumers doing typical tasks should look for in a desktop or laptop PC. That excludes heavy-duty gamers, corporate buyers, techies, or enthusiasts. But this au

It's time for my annual fall PC buyer's guide. As always, this guide covers what average consumers doing typical tasks should look for in a desktop or laptop PC. That excludes heavy-duty gamers, corporate buyers, techies, or enthusiasts.

But this autumn, we find ourselves in a serious global economic slowdown. So I will focus this edition of the guide on how folks whose PC budgets have shrunk can still get something adequate for light use.

The guide below applies to both desktops and laptops, since the latter, at least in the consumer market, have achieved rough parity in performance and versatility, and are now more popular than desktops.

-- Windows vs. Mac: I consider the Mac operating system, Leopard, to be faster, easier and more stable than Windows XP or Windows Vista. It isn't susceptible to the vast majority of malicious software that circulates on the Internet. And Macs also include Apple's superb built-in iLife multimedia suite. Macs can even run Windows, though that costs extra.

However, Apple has consciously chosen not to offer machines in the bargain category. The cheapest Mac desktop, the minimalist Mac Mini, which doesn't even include a monitor, speakers, keyboard or mouse, costs $650 for a model with a hard disk I consider adequate. The cheapest Mac laptop, the base model of the prior-generation MacBook (which Apple has retained in its lineup) is $999.

Both are good values, mainly due to the software. And Macs can save you money over time. But if the lowest upfront cost is your objective, you can pay hundreds less for desktops and laptops from Windows PC makers.

-- Which Windows: Windows Vista is too often slow, and incompatible with older peripherals, such as the printers you might not want to replace in this economic climate. It also can cost more because it demands beefier, and thus costlier, hardware to run well than does the older Windows XP.

Budget shoppers should look around for a computer that still runs XP, either one of the dwindling number of models built with XP in mind, or one that has been 'downgraded' by the manufacturer to XP. This downgrade 'feature' can cost $50 or more upfront, but permits you to buy a cheaper machine.

For instance, I recently advised two of my budget-minded friends to buy a low-end Dell desktop, the Inspiron 530, at Micro Center, a small but very good national chain of computer superstores. This Dell runs XP, and has a low-end Intel processor. The store is currently selling a version with a 250-gigabyte hard disk -- more than enough for an average user -- and 2 gigabytes of memory, generous for XP, for just $400 after instant rebate. You can get a similar good deal directly from Dell.

These particular friends, one on each coast, each bought a nice LCD monitor for $100-$150, and were out of the store for very little money. Since they only wanted to run Microsoft Office, browse the Web, do email and manage photos, this machine met their needs.

Another option is a low-cost machine with the Home Basic version of Vista, which also tends to cost less and to require less-expensive hardware than the more-common Vista Home Premium. If my friends had wanted laptops, I could have steered them to a 15-inch Acer Aspire laptop at the same store. This machine runs Vista Basic, with 1 gigabyte of memory and a 120-gigabyte hard disk, and costs $380.

You can often buy an even less-costly computer if you opt for the Linux operating system, but I still don't advise this for average non-techie users.

-- Memory: For XP, or a Mac, I suggest 2 gigabytes of memory, but you can get away with 1 gigabyte for light use. For Vista, I recommend 3 gigabytes, but 2 megabytes will do on a tight budget. You can always add memory later.

-- Hard disk: On a laptop, 160 gigabytes is the minimum I usually suggest, but you can get by with 120 gigabytes and upgrade when economic times are better. On a desktop, 250 gigabytes is easily obtainable, but 160 gigabytes will do.

-- DVD drive: If you never record DVDs, you can save money by buying a cheaper combo drive, which plays both DVDs and CDs, but records only the latter.

-- Processor: Look for a dual-core processor, but to save money, don't worry about the speed, model number, or brand.

-- Video: A separate, or 'discrete,' video card is best, especially for Vista Home Premium, but budget shoppers should stick with lesser 'integrated graphics.'

-- Other features: If your home lacks the fastest 'n' version of Wi-Fi, spend less for a laptop with the older 'g' version. If you don't need to do video chats or recording, don't pay for a built-in camera and microphone.

-- Netbooks: If you don't mind a tiny screen, cramped keyboard and limited file storage, these popular new mini-laptops can save you money. Some sell for under $400, even equipped with Windows.

Remember, pay only for the computing capabilities you need.




Windows vs. Mac蘋(píng)果電腦:我認(rèn)為蘋(píng)果電腦的Leopard操作系統(tǒng)比Windows XP或Windows Vista的運(yùn)行更加快速、簡(jiǎn)單和穩(wěn)定,也不受充斥互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的大多數(shù)惡意軟件的侵?jǐn)_。該系統(tǒng)還配備了蘋(píng)果公司(Apple)超棒的內(nèi)置iLife多媒體套裝軟件。蘋(píng)果電腦甚至還可以運(yùn)行Windows系統(tǒng),當(dāng)然這需額外付費(fèi)。

不過(guò),蘋(píng)果公司有意不對(duì)產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行降價(jià)銷售。簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)單單的Mac Mini是最便宜的蘋(píng)果臺(tái)式機(jī),它甚至沒(méi)有安裝顯示器、音箱、鍵盤和鼠標(biāo)。只配有一塊硬盤的Mac Mini售價(jià)650美元,我認(rèn)為這樣的配置已經(jīng)足夠了。蘋(píng)果電腦中最便宜的筆記本電腦是上一代MacBook(蘋(píng)果公司保留了這個(gè)系列)的基本款,售價(jià)999美元。


購(gòu)買Windows哪個(gè)系列:Windows Vista總是運(yùn)行緩慢,而且和上一代的外設(shè)不兼容,比如說(shuō),在當(dāng)前的經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢(shì)下你或許不愿更換的打印機(jī)。另外,因?yàn)閂ista需要比上一代Windows XP更強(qiáng)勁、也因此更昂貴的硬件來(lái)保持平穩(wěn)運(yùn)行,你還要花上更多的錢。


比如說(shuō),我最近建議兩個(gè)打算省錢的朋友在Micro Center購(gòu)買了低端的戴爾(Dell)臺(tái)式機(jī)Inspiron 530。Micro Center是家規(guī)模不大但卻非常出色的全國(guó)性的電腦連鎖店。這款電腦安裝了XP操作系統(tǒng),配有低端的英特爾(Intel)處理器。這家連鎖店正在銷售一款配備有250G硬盤──對(duì)普通用戶來(lái)說(shuō)足夠了──和2G內(nèi)存的戴爾電腦,足以運(yùn)行XP,折扣價(jià)只要400美元。你還可以直接從戴爾公司購(gòu)買,也能得到類似的優(yōu)惠。

這兩位分住在美國(guó)東西海岸的朋友,每人以100到150美元的價(jià)格都買到了很好的液晶顯示器,只在商店里花了很少的錢。因?yàn)樗麄冎皇窍胗秒娔X來(lái)進(jìn)行Microsoft Office操作、瀏覽網(wǎng)頁(yè)、收發(fā)電子郵件和處理照片,所以這臺(tái)機(jī)器能夠滿足他們的需要。

另外一個(gè)選擇是裝有Vista家庭普通版(Home Basic)的低成本電腦。它的價(jià)格更低,需要的硬件也比更常見(jiàn)的Vista家庭高級(jí)版(Home Premium)要便宜。如果我的朋友需要買臺(tái)筆記本電腦,我會(huì)建議他們?nèi)タ赐患疑痰昀?5英寸的宏 (Acer) Aspire。這臺(tái)機(jī)器使用Vista普通版操作系統(tǒng),配有1G內(nèi)存和120G硬盤,售價(jià)為380美元。










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