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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-09-24
核心提示:你就這么愛(ài)耍我是嗎You like to play with me, don’t you? 就當(dāng)我什么也沒(méi)說(shuō)過(guò)Just pretend I didn’t say anything. 你干嘛老是找我麻煩Why do you always bother me? Why are you always on my back?

545.他有什么地方比我好? What does he have that I don’t?

546.我根本不是他的對(duì)手。 I’m no match for him.

547.你一定可以撐下去的。 You can do it.

548.我一個(gè)人哪做得完! I can’t do it by myself.

549.我這樣還不是為你好! I’m doing it for you!

550.天底下哪有這種好事。 That’s too good to be true.

551. 這樣算什么英雄好漢? What kind of hero is that?
注:常用于私底下對(duì)他人得批評(píng)。更挖苦的說(shuō)法則是“Some hero huh?”表示非常的不以為然。

552.你以為我喜歡這樣。 You think I like it like this?

553. 這可不是天天都有的。 It doesn’t happen every day.

554.除了吃,你還會(huì)做什么? What do you do besides eating?

555.大家都好了,就等你啦! Everyone’s ready and waiting for you.

556.我不想給人家添麻煩。 I don’t want to cause any trouble.

557.天下沒(méi)有白吃的午餐。 There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

558.這個(gè)我恐怕幫不上忙。 I probably can’t help you with this.

559.早就知道了,還用你說(shuō)! I know. Save your breath!

560.沒(méi)想到會(huì)在這碰上你。 I didn’t think I’d see you here.

561.把那句話給我收回去! Take it back!

562.我等你等得不耐煩了! I couldn’t wait any longer for you!

563.就當(dāng)我什么也沒(méi)說(shuō)過(guò)。 Just pretend I didn’t say anything.

564.你也未免想太多了吧! You’re thinking too much.

565.你干嘛老是找我麻煩? Why do you always bother me? Why are you always on my back?

566.你鬼叫個(gè)什么勁兒。 Why are you yelling?

567.你就這么愛(ài)耍我是嗎? You like to play with me, don’t you?

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