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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-16
核心提示:H Steel 寬緣工字鋼 Hadfield Manganese Steel 哈德菲爾德錳鋼 Hadfield Steel 哈德菲爾德高錳鋼; 哈特非鋼; 奧氏體高錳鋼 Hadifield Steel 高錳鋼 Half Spherical Steel Bobbin 半圓形鋼質(zhì)滾輪 Half Steel 鋼性生鐵 Half-Hard Steel 半硬鋼 Halvan Tool Steel 鉻釩系

H Steel 寬緣工字鋼
Hadfield Manganese Steel 哈德菲爾德錳鋼
Hadfield Steel 哈德菲爾德高錳鋼; 哈特非鋼; 奧氏體高錳鋼
Hadifield Steel 高錳鋼
Half Spherical Steel Bobbin 半圓形鋼質(zhì)滾輪
Half Steel 鋼性生鐵
Half-Hard Steel 半硬鋼
Halvan Tool Steel 鉻釩系工具鋼
Hammered Steel 鍛鋼
Hand Drill Steel 手持式鋼釬
Hand Steel Snap 手用鋼鉚釘模
Hard Alloy Steel 硬合金鋼; 硬質(zhì)合金鋼
Hard Steel 硬鋼
Hard-Drawn Steel Wire 硬拉鋼絲
Hardened And Tempered Steel 調(diào)質(zhì)鋼
Hardened Steel 硬化鋼; 淬火鋼
Hardened Steel Roller 淬火鋼滾輪
Hardened-Steel Bushing 淬火鋼襯套
Hardened-Steel Guideway 淬火鋼導軌
Hardened-Steel Tire 硬化鋼環(huán)箍
Hardening Of Steel 鋼的硬化
Harvey Steel 固體滲碳硬化鋼
Heat And Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐熱防銹鋼
Heat Treatment Of Steel 鋼的熱處理
Heat-Resistant Steel 耐熱鋼
Heat-Resisting Alloy Steel 耐熱合金鋼
Heat-Resisting Steel 耐熱鋼; 熱強鋼
Heat-Treatable Steel 熱處理鋼
Heat-Treated Steel 熱處理鋼
Heat-Treated Steel Track 熱處理鋼履帶
Heavy Section Steel 大型型鋼
Heavy Steel Rolling Mill 大型軋鋼廠
Helical Steel Support 螺旋形井筒支架
Hexagon Bar Steel 六角條鋼
Hexagonal Steel Bar 六角形鋼筋
Hi-Stren Steel 低合金高強度鋼
High Alloy Steel 高質(zhì)合金鋼
High Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 高角平底鋼刨
High Boron Steel 高硼鋼
High Carbon Steel 高碳鋼
High Chrome Alloy Steel 高鉻合金鋼
High Chrome Steel 高鉻鋼; 高鉻鋼
High Chromium Steel 高鉻鋼
High Frequency Steel Furnace 高頻煉鋼爐
High Manganese Carbon Steel 高錳碳鋼
High Manganese Cast Steel 高錳鑄鋼
High Manganese Stainless Steel 高錳不銹鋼
High Manganese Steel 高錳鋼
High Manganese Steel Casting 高錳鋼鑄件
High Manganese Steel Frog 高錳鋼轍叉
High Manganese Steel Rail And Guard Rail 高錳鋼轍叉及護軌
High Nickel Steel 高鎳鋼; 高鎳合金鋼
High Nickel-Chrome Steel 高鎳鉻鋼
High Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 高壓不銹鋼軟管
High Quality Steel 高級鋼
High Speed Steel Bit 高速鋼鉆頭
High Speed Steel Cutter 高速鋼刀具
High Speed Steel Ground Tap 高速鋼磨削絲錐
High Speed Steel Lathe Tool 高速鋼車刀
High Speed Steel Power Hacksaw Blade 高速鋼機用鋸條
High Speed Steel Tool Bit 高速鋼刀具
High Speed Steel Turning Tool 高速鋼車刀
High Speed Steel Twist Drill 高速鋼麻花鉆
High Speed Steel Wire 高速鋼絲
High Steel 高碳鋼; 硬鋼
High Strength Alloy Steel Shackle 高強度合金鋼鎖扣
High Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高強度鋼斜墊圈
High Strength Construction Steel 高強結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
High Strength Hull Steel 高強度船體結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
High Strength Low Alloy Steel 高強度低合金鋼; 低合金高強度鋼
High Strength Plain Steel Washer 高強度平鋼墊圈
High Strength Steel 高強度鋼材
High Strength Steel Bar 高強鋼筋
High Strength Steel Plate 高強鋼板
High Strength Steel Washer 高強度鋼墊圈
High Strength Structural Steel 高強度結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
High Tensile Deformed Steel Bar 高拉力異形鋼筋
High Tensile Reinforing Steel 高強鋼筋
High Tensile Steel 高強度鋼; 高級鋼
High Tensile Steel Plate 高強鋼板
High Tensile Steel Tube 高強度鋼管
High Tensile Steel Wire 高強鋼絲
High Tensile Thin Steel Plate 高強薄鋼板
High Yield Stress Steel 高屈服強度鋼
High-Alloy Steel 高合金鋼
High-Alloy Steel Vessel 高合金鋼容器
High-Carbon Alloy Steel 高碳合金鋼
High-Carbon Chromium Steel 高碳鉻鋼
High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel 高碳高張力鋼
High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel Wire 高碳高張力鋼線
High-Carbon Steel 高碳鋼
High-Carbon Steel Heat Treated 熱處理過的高碳鋼
High-Chromium Stainless Steel 高鉻不銹鋼
High-Creep Strength Steel 高蠕變強度鋼
High-Ductility Steel 高韌性鋼; 高塑性鋼
High-Duty Steel 高強度鋼
High-Elastic Limit Steel 高彈性極限鋼; 高彈性限度鋼
High-Frequency Electric Welded Steel Pipe 高頻電焊鋼管
High-Frequency Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 高頻變壓器硅鋼片
High-Grade Alloy Steel 高級合金鋼
High-Grade Alloy Structure Steel 高級合金結(jié)構(gòu); 高級合金結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
High-Grade Carbon Steel 高級碳素鋼
High-Grade Steel 高級鋼
High-Quality Nickel Steel Tube 高級鎳鋼管
High-Quality Steel 高質(zhì)量鋼; 優(yōu)質(zhì)鋼
High-Speed Steel 高速鋼; 高速工具鋼
High-Speed Steel Bit 高速鋼車刀
High-Speed Steel Drill 高速鋼鉆頭
High-Speed Steel End Mill 高速鋼端銑刀
High-Speed Steel Geared Tap 高速鋼磨牙絲錐
High-Speed Steel Ingot 高速鋼錠
High-Speed Steel Lathe Tool 白鋼車刀
High-Speed Steel Tool 高速鋼刀具
High-Speed Tool Steel 高速工具鋼; 高工鋼
High-Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高強度斜墊圈
High-Strength Cast Steel 高速鑄鐵
High-Strength Low Alloy Steel 高強低合金鋼
High-Strength Low-Allow Steel 高強度耐低溫鋼
High-Strength Plain Steel Washer 高強度平墊圈
High-Strength Quality Steel Wire 高強優(yōu)質(zhì)鋼絲
High-Strength Steel 高強度鋼
High-Strength Steel Electrode 高強度鋼焊條
High-Strength Steel Washer 高強度墊圈
High-Sulfur Steel 高硫鋼
High-Temper Steel 高溫回火鋼
High-Temperature Steel 耐高溫鋼
High-Tensile Steel 高強度鋼; 高強鋼
High-Tensile Steel Bar 高強度鋼筋
High-Tensile Steel Bars 高強度粗鋼筋
High-Tensile Steel Reinforcement Bar Fixture 高強鋼筋夾具
High-Tensile Steel Wires 高強度鋼絲
High-Tensile Structural Steel 高強度結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
High-Vanadium Steel 高礬鋼; 高釩鋼
High-Yield Strength Steel 高屈服點鋼; 高屈服強度鋼
Highyield Low-Alloy Steel 高強度低合金鋼
Hoe Steel 中耕機鋤鏟
Hole Steel Propeller 鋼制空心螺旋槳
Hollow Drill Steel 中空鉆探鋼
Hollow Square Steel 空心方鋼
Hollow Steel 空心鋼; 中空鋼
Hollow Steel Propeller 中空鋼制螺旋槳
Hollow Steel Rim 空心輪輞
Hollow Steel Roller 空心鋼輥
Hollow Steel Section 薄壁型鋼
Hollow Steel Spoke Wheel 空心鋼輻輪
Hollow-Drill Steel 空心鉆桿
Homogeneous Steel 均質(zhì)鋼; 均質(zhì)鋼
Homogeneous Steel Plate 均質(zhì)鋼板; 均質(zhì)鋼板
Honda Steel 本多磁鋼
Hoop Steel 箍鋼帶
Hot Die Steel 熱鍛模鋼; 熱作模具鋼
Hot Work Tool Steel 熱鍍模具鋼; 熱鍛模具鋼
Hot-Die Steel 熱變形模具鋼; 高溫模具鋼
Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Wire 熱鍍鋅鋼絲
Hot-Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel 熱浴鍍鋅薄板鋼材
Hot-Rolled Mild Steel 熱軋軟鋼
Hot-Rolled Sheet Steel 熱軋鋼板
Hot-Rolled Sillcon Steel Sheet 熱軋硅鋼板
Hot-Rolled Steel 熱軋鋼
Hot-Rolled Steel Bar 熱軋鋼筋
Hot-Rolled Steel Channel 熱軋槽鋼
Hot-Rolled Steel Joist 熱軋鋼龍骨
Hot-Rolled Steel Section 熱軋型鋼
Hot-Working Die Steel 熱鍛模鋼
Hubbing Steel 沖模鋼
Hull Steel 船用鋼; 造船鋼
Hy-Tuf Steel 海圖夫低合金高強度鋼
Hydra Steel 海德拉熱模具鋼
Hydraulic Steel Holder 液壓持纖器
Hydraulic Steel Support 液壓鋼支架
Hynack Steel Plate 海納克護膜耐蝕鋼板
Hypereutectoid Steel 過共析鋼; 超共析鋼
Hypoeutectoid Steel 亞共析鋼
Hysteresis Steel 磁滯鋼
I-Section Steel Pile 工字型鋼樁
I-Steel 工字形鋼; 窄邊工字鋼
I-Steel Pile 工字型鋼樁
Inclusion In Steel 鋼內(nèi)夾雜
Indented Steel Wire 齒紋鋼絲
Industrial Steel Window 工業(yè)廠房鋼窗
Ingot Steel 鋼錠; 錠鋼
Inland Steel (美國) 內(nèi)陸鋼鐵公司
Instrument For Measuring Oxygen In Molten Steel 鋼液定氧儀
Integral (Drill) Steel 整體鋼釬
Integral Steel 整體鋼釬
Integrated Iron And Steel Works 綜合性鋼鐵廠
Intermediate Grade Steel 中級鋼
Internal Fixation With Steel Plate 鋼板內(nèi)固定術(shù)
Invar Steel 殷鋼
Iron And Steel Base 鋼鐵基地
Iron And Steel Casting 鋼鐵鑄件
Iron And Steel Company 鋼鐵公司
Iron And Steel Industry 鋼鐵工業(yè)
Iron And Steel Manufacture 鋼鐵制造
Iron And Steel Material Shaped 鋼鐵型材
Iron And Steel Plant 鋼鐵廠
Iron And Steel Scrap 廢鋼鐵
Iron And Steel Sheet And Plate 鋼鐵板材
Iron And Steel Sheet Piling 鐵及鋼板樁法鑿井
Iron And Steel Wire 鋼鐵絲材
Iron And Steel Works 鋼鐵廠
Iron-And-Steel Furnace 黑色金屬冶金爐
Irreversible Steel 不可逆鋼
Joist Steel 梁鋼
Joy Extensible Steel Band 喬伊可伸縮式鋼帶運輸機
Jumper Steel 鉆桿鋼; 長鑿鋼
Jute-Covered Steel Pipe 包黃麻鋼管
Killed Carbon Steel (KCS) 鎮(zhèn)靜碳鋼
Killed Steel 鎮(zhèn)靜鋼
Killed Steel (去氧鋼) 脫氧鋼
Krupp Austenite Steel 奧氏體鉻鎳合金鋼
Krupp Triple Steel 克魯普鉻鉬釩高速鋼
L.P.N. Steel 低氮堿性底吹轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼
Lacquer-Coated Steel Sheet 涂漆薄鋼板
Lead Bearing Steel 含鉛鋼
Lead Treated Steel 含鉛易切削鋼
Lead-Coated Steel Plate 鍍鉛鋼板
Lead-Sheathed Steel-Taped 鉛包鋼帶
Leaded Low-Phosphorus Steel 含鉛低磷鋼
Lean Alloy Steel 低合金鋼
Ledloy Free Cutting Steel 加鉛易切削鋼
Light Channed Steel 輕型槽鋼
Light Gauge Steel 輕量型鋼
Light Weight Steel Shape 輕型鋼材
Light-Gauge Steel Section 薄壁型鋼
Light-Weight Angle Steel 輕型角鋼
Lightgage Steel Joist 輕鋼龍骨
Lightweight Steel Construction 輕鋼結(jié)構(gòu)
Lightweight Steel Shape 冷彎型鋼
Lip Hat Section Steel 帶緣帽型鋼
Lip Z Steel 帶緣Z型鋼
Liquid Steel 鋼水
Liquid-Compressed Steel 液態(tài)擠壓鋼; 加壓凝固鋼
Little Bessemer Steel 小型酸性轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼
Lock Bar Steel Pipe 箍錨鋼管
Locking Steel Wire 鎖緊鋼絲
Long Steel Tape 鋼卷尺
Long Steel Wire Saw 長鋼絲鋸
Long-Span Steel Framing 大跨鋼構(gòu)架
Low Alloy Steel 低合金鋼
Low Alloy Steel High Side Wagon 低合金鋼敞車
Low Alloy Steel Plate 低合金鋼板
Low Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具鋼
Low Alloyed Steel 低合金鋼
Low Carbon Steel 低碳鋼
Low Carbon Steel Electrode 低碳鋼焊條
Low Carbon Steel Pipe 低碳鋼管
Low Carbon Steel Welding Electrode 低碳鋼電焊條
Low Hysteresis Steel 低磁滯鋼; 低磁滯硅鋼
Low Machinability Steel 難切削鋼
Low Manganess Steel 低錳鋼
Low Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 低壓不銹鋼軟管
Low Steel 低碳鋼
Low Steel Proportion 低含鋼率
Low Temperature Steel Electrode 低溫鋼焊條
Low Tungsten High Speed Steel 低鎢高速鋼
Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel 低合金高強度鋼
Low-Alloy High-Tensile Structural Steel 低合金高強度結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
Low-Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrode 低合金鋼焊條
Low-Alloy Threading Steel 低合金螺紋鋼
Low-Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具鋼
Low-Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 低角平底鋼刨
Low-Carbon Cast Steel 低碳鑄鋼
Low-Carbon Steel 低碳鋼
Low-Chrome Steel 低鉻鋼
Low-Ductility Steel 低塑性鋼
Low-Expansion Steel 低膨脹鋼
Low-Temperature (Low Temperature) Steel 低溫鋼
Lowalloy Structural Steel 低合金鋼
Machine Steel 機件鋼; 機器鋼
Machinery Steel 機器鋼
Magnaflux Steel 航空用高強度鋼
Magnet Steel 磁鋼
Magnetic Steel 磁鋼; 磁性鋼
Magnetic Steel Detector 鋼筋磁性檢測儀
Magnetically Soft Steel 軟磁鋼
Main Reinforcing Steel 主鋼筋
Major-Orthotropic Steel-Plate Bridge 主正交各向異性鋼板橋
Malleable Mild Steel 韌性低碳鋼; 韌性軟鋼
Malleable Steel 展性鋼; 軟鋼; 韌性鋼
Man-Ten Steel 低合金高強度鋼
Manganese Silicon Spring Steel 錳硅彈簧鋼
Manganese Silicon Steel 錳硅鋼
Manganese Silicon Tool Steel 錳硅工具鋼
Manganese Spring Steel 錳彈簧鋼
Manganese Steel 錳鋼; 哈德菲爾德錳鋼
Manganese Tool Steel 錳工具鋼
Manganese Vanadium Steel 錳釩鋼
Manganese Vanadium Tool Steel 錳礬工具鋼; 錳釩工具鋼
Manufacture Of Iron And Steel By Melting 鋼鐵熔煉
Maraging Steel 馬氏體時效鋼
Marconi Steel Tape Recorder 馬可尼磁帶錄音機
Martensite Steel 馬登斯體鋼; 馬氏體鋼
Martensitic Stain Less Steel 馬氏體不銹鋼
Martensitic Steel 馬氏體鋼
Martensitic Steel 馬氏永磁體
Martin Steel 平爐鋼; 馬丁鋼
Martinel Steel 馬蒂內(nèi)爾結(jié)構(gòu)鋼; 硅錳鋼; 硅錳結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
Mattress Netting Steel Wire 鋼絲床用鋼絲
Measuring Case Depth For Steel 鋼表層硬化深度測定法; 鋼的表層硬化深度測定法
Mechanically Capped Steel 機械封頂鋼
Medium Alloy Steel 中合金鋼
Medium Carbon Steel 中碳鋼
Medium Hard Steel 中等硬度鋼; 中硬鋼; 在硬鋼
Medium Manganese Steel 中錳鋼
Medium Steel (MS) 中碳鋼
Medium Temper Steel 中等回火鋼
Medium Width Steel Strip 中等寬度帶鋼
Medium-Hard Steel 中硬鋼
Merchant Steel 商品鋼; 商品條鋼; 條鋼
Mercury-In-Steel Thermometer 鋼管水銀溫度計; 鋼殼水銀溫度計
Mild Carbon Steel 低碳鋼
Mild Carbon Steel Strip 低碳帶鋼
Mild Sheet Steel 軟鋼板
Mild Steel 軟鋼; 低碳鋼
Mild Steel Arc Welding Electrode 低碳鋼焊條
Mild Steel Channel 槽鋼
Mild Steel Checkered Plate 花紋鋼板
Mild Steel Equal Angle 等邊角鋼
Mild Steel Expanded Sheets 鋼板網(wǎng)
Mild Steel Fire Box 軟鋼板火箱
Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts 六角螺絲梗
Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts And Nuts 六角螺絲閂
Mild Steel I-Beam 低碳工字鋼
Mild Steel Ingot 低碳鋼錠
Mild Steel Plate 軟鋼板
Mild Steel Reinforcement (含鋼量0.12--0.25%) 軟鋼鋼筋
Mild Steel Shank 軟鋼手柄
Mild Steel Sheet 軟鋼皮
Mild Steel Welding Rod 低碳鋼焊絲
Mild Steel Wire 低碳鋼絲
Mild-Carbon Steel Strip 低碳帶鋼; 低碳鋼帶
Mild-Steel Domestic Boiler 軟鋼家用鍋爐
Mild-Steel Sheet 低碳鋼薄板
Mini Steel Plant 小型鋼鐵廠
Mishima Magnet Steel 鋁鎳強磁鋼
Mold Steel 型模鋼
Molten Steel 鋼水; 鋼液
Molybdenum High Speed Steel 鉬高速鋼
Molybdenum Steel 鉬鋼
Molybdenum-Chrome Steel 鉬鉻鋼
Molybdenum-Vanadium Steel 鉬釩鋼
Monoblock Drill Steel 整體釬子
Moulded Steel 模鑄鋼
Mushet('S) Steel 馬歇特鎢鋼
Natural Steel 天然鋼; 初生硬度鋼
Needle Steel 針狀組織鋼
Needle(D) Steel 加硼硬化亞共析鋼
Neutral Steel 中性鋼
Nichrome Steel 鎳鉻耐熱鋼
Nickel Alloy Steel 鎳合金鋼
Nickel Cast Steel 含鎳鑄鋼
Nickel Chromium Manganese Steel 鎳鉻錳鋼
Nickel Steel 鎳鋼
Nickel Steel Gas Welding Rod 鎳鋼氣焊條
Nickel Steel Wire 鎳鋼線
Nickel-Chrome Alloy Steel 鎳鉻合金鋼
Nickel-Chrome Steel 鎳鉻鋼
Nickel-Chromium Steel 鎳鉻鋼
Nickel-Clad Steel Plate 包鎳鋼板; 鍍鎳鋼板
Nickel-Manganese Cast Steel 鎳-錳鑄鋼; 鎳錳鑄鋼
Nickel-Molybdenum Steel 鎳鉬鋼
Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 鍍鎳低碳鋼圓頭機器螺絲
Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 鍍鎳低碳鋼圓頭木螺絲
Nickel-Plated Steel Self Tapping Screw 鍍鎳鋼制自攻螺絲
Nickel-Plated Steel Wire 鍍鎳鋼絲
Nickel-Vanadium Steel 鎳-釩鋼; 鎳釩鋼
Nickeled Steel Plate 鍍鎳鋼板
Nitrated Steel 氮化鋼
Nitrided Steel 滲氮鋼
Nitriding Steel 氮化鋼; 氮化鋼
Non-Aging Steel 無時效鋼
Non-Corrosive Steel 不銹鋼
Non-Deforming Steel 不變形鋼
Non-Expansion Steel 不膨脹鋼
Non-Magnetic Steel 非磁性鋼
Non-Oriented Electrical Steel 無取向電工鋼
Non-Oriented Silicon Steel 無方向性硅鋼片
Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Sheet 不定向硅鋼板
Non-Piping Steel 無縮孔鋼
Non-Rust Steel 不銹鋼
Non-Scaling Steel 不起皮鋼
Non-Shrinkage Steel 無變形鋼
Non-Shrinking Steel 抗變形鋼
Non-Sulfurized Carbon Steel 非硫化處理的碳鋼
Non-Weldable Steel 不可焊接的鋼
Nondeforming Tool Steel 不變形工具鋼
Nonmagnetic Steel 無磁性鋼
Normal Steel 正常鋼; 正常結(jié)構(gòu)鋼
Normal Steel Casting 普通鑄鋼
Normalized And Tempered Steel 正火及回火鋼
Normalized Steel 正火鋼
Not Heat-Treated Steel Wire 非熱處理的鋼絲
Notch Ductile Steel 耐沖擊鋼
Oce Steel 無滲碳體鋼
Octagon Steel Bar 八角鋼條
Octagonal Bar Steel 八角型鋼
Octagonal Steel 八角鋼
Oil-Hardened Steel 油淬硬化鋼
Oil-Hardening Steel 油淬鋼
Oil-Operated Steel Support 液壓金屬支架
Oil-Quenching Steel 油淬火鋼
Open Forging Steel 商用鍛鋼坯
Open Steel 沸騰鋼
Open Steel Flooring 漏空鋼板樓面; 露鋼梁樓板
Open-Hearth Steel 平爐鋼; 馬丁鋼
Open-Heated Steel 過熱鋼
Ordinary Steel 普通碳鋼
Oriented Steel 各向異性鋼片
Over-Reduced Steel 過還原鋼
Overblown Steel 過吹鋼
Oxidation Resistant Steel 抗氧化鋼; 不銹鋼
Oxygen Blown Steel 吹氧鋼
Oxygen Converter Steel 頂吹氧轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼
Oxygen Furnace Steel 吹氧煉鋼
Oxygen Jet Steel 吹氧煉鋼法
Oxygen Steel 吹氧鋼
Oxygen-Steel Process 氧化煉鋼法; 氧氣煉鋼法
Patented Steel Wire 鉛淬火鋼絲
Pearlitic Heat Resistant Steel Electrode 珠光體耐熱鋼焊條
Pearlitic Steel 珠光體鋼
Period Section Steel 周期斷面鋼材
Perished Steel 脆弱鋼; 過滲碳鋼
Permanent Magnet Steel 永磁鋼
Permanent-Magnet Steel 永久磁鋼
PH Stainless Steel 沉淀硬化不銹鋼; 沉淀硬化型不銹鋼
Phosphoretic Steel 磷鋼
Pickled Sheet Steel 酸洗薄鋼板
Pig Iron For Steel Making 煉鋼生鐵
Pinion Steel 齒輪鋼
Pipe Steel 管鋼
Plain Basic Steel 普通堿性鋼
Plain Carbon Steel 普通碳鋼
Plain Carbon Tool Steel 碳素工具鋼
Plain End Steel Pipe 平端鋼管
Plain Galvanized Steel Sheet 鍍鋅鐵皮
Plain Steel 普通鋼; 碳素鋼
Plain Steel Rim 簡單鋼輪緣
Plain Steel-Bar 光面鋼筋
Plastic Coating Technology For Steel Tube 鋼管涂塑工藝
Plastic Covered Steel Cord 包塑鋼線
Plastic Flow Of Steel 鋼的塑流
Plastic-Lined Steel Pipe 塑料襯里鋼管
Plastic-Steel Combination 塑料鋼組合
Plastic-Steel Laminate 塑料鋼層板
Plate Steel 厚鋼板
Plate-Steel Case 鋼板機殼
Plate-Steel Liner 鋼板襯墊; 鋼板襯砌
Plating On Steel 鋼材涂層
Platinum Steel 白金鋼
Play Up Steel Production 突出鋼鐵生產(chǎn)
Plough Steel Wire Rope 特號鋼絲繩
Plow Steel 犁鋼
Plow Steel Wire 鉛淬火高強度鋼絲
Plow Steel Wire Rope 鉛淬火高強度鋼絲繩
Plugged Steel 封頂鋼; 加蓋鋼
Ply Steel 復合鋼
Pneumatic Steel 氣法煉鋼; 噴氣煉鋼
Polyethylene Coated Steel Pipe 聚乙烯涂層鋼管; 聚乙烯涂層鋼管
Porous Stainless Steel 多孔不銹鋼
Porous Steel Parts 多孔鋼質(zhì)零件
Pot Steel 坩堝鋼
Pour Steel 澆注鋼水
Powdered Alloy Steel 合金鋼粉
Power Cable With Flat Steel Wire Armouring 扁鋼絲鎧裝電力電纜
Forged Steel 鍛鋼
Precision Seamless Steel Tubes 精密無縫鋼管
Pressed-Steel 壓制鋼
Pressed-Steel Boot 模壓鋼開溝器
Pressed-Steel Hook Chain 模壓鋼鉤頭鏈
Pressed-Steel Plate 壓制鋼板
Pressure-Casting Die Steel 壓鑄模具合金鋼
Prestressed Concrete Steel Wire Strand 預應(yīng)力混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)用鋼絞線
Primary Steel 通用鋼
Pseudo-Steel 假鋼
Puddle Steel 攪煉鋼
Punched Steel Plate 穿孔鋼板
Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel 彌散硬化不銹鋼; 沉淀硬化不銹鋼
Qualitative Carbon Steel 定性碳鋼
Quarter Octagon Steel 四角方鋼
Quartz-Steel Resonator 石英鋼片諧振器
Purified Steel 精煉鋼
Quench Allov Steel 淬硬合金鋼
Quench Steel 淬鋼
Quenched And Tempered Steel 調(diào)質(zhì)鋼
Quaternary Steel 四元合金鋼
Quick-Cutting Steel 高速鋼
Quiet Steel 軟鋼; 全脫氧鋼; 全鎮(zhèn)靜鋼
關(guān)鍵詞: 鋼材 詞匯
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