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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-18
核心提示:resistance 阻力;電阻 resistance to abrasion 耐磨蝕性 resistance to ag(e)ing 耐老化性 resistance to elongation 抗伸長性 resistance to penetration 抗浸透性 resistance to picking 抗掉毛性 resistance to rubbing 耐磨斷性 resistance to rupture 抗破裂性能

resistance 阻力;電阻
resistance to abrasion 耐磨蝕性
resistance to ag(e)ing 耐老化性
resistance to elongation 抗伸長性
resistance to penetration 抗浸透性
resistance to picking 抗掉毛性
resistance to rubbing 耐磨斷性
resistance to rupture 抗破裂性能
resistance to shock 抗振性能
resistance to wear 耐磨性
resistant cellulose 強化纖維素
resistivity 電阻率
resistor 電阻器
resonance 共振
resorcinol 間苯二酚
resorcinol starch 間苯二酚淀粉
resotronic regulator 電磁共鳴式濃度調(diào)節(jié)器
restraint 抑制
ret rot 紅斑;紅色腐爛
retainer 護圈
retaining screw 固定螺絲
retardant 阻滯劑;減速劑;抑制劑
retardation 阻滯(作用);減速(作用)
retention 留著(率)
retention aid 助留劑
retention of filler 填料留著率
retention tester 留著率測定儀
retention time 停留時間
retention tower 擴散塔
reticulate 網(wǎng)狀的
retrogradation 衰減
retting 浸解,浸透;發(fā)酵精煉
retting on investment 基建投資回收期限
retting valve 回流閥
retting water 回水
retting wire leading roll 轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)ЬW(wǎng)輥
reuse 回用
reverse drive 反向傳動
reverse osmosis 逆滲透,反滲透
reverse press 反(向)壓榨
reverse press felt 反壓榨毛毯
reverse roll coating 逆轉(zhuǎn)輥涂布
reversible reaction 可逆反應(yīng)
reversing valve 反向閥,可逆閥
reversion 反逆(作用)
revolution 回轉(zhuǎn)
revolutions per minute 每分鐘回轉(zhuǎn)次數(shù)
revolving boiler 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮器
revolving digester 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮器
revolving furnace 轉(zhuǎn)爐
revolving hexagonal drum test 貨物包裝轉(zhuǎn)鼓試驗
revolving knife 橫切刀,長刀
revolving reel 回轉(zhuǎn)軸式卷紙機
revolving sifter screen 回轉(zhuǎn)篩
rewet 再潤濕
rewind 復(fù)卷
rewinder 復(fù)卷機
rewinder drum (復(fù)卷機)底輥,(復(fù)卷機)支承輥
rewinder slitter 復(fù)卷機圓刀
rewinderman 復(fù)卷工
rewinding 復(fù)卷
rewinding machine 復(fù)卷機
rewinding shaft 復(fù)卷軸
rewound roll 再卷紙軸
Reynold's number 雷諾數(shù)
rhamnose 鼠李糖
rheological properties 流變性能
rheologram 流變圖
rheology 流變學(xué)
rheostat 電阻(器)
rhodanate 硝化氫酸酯
ribbed disc sensor 帶筋圓盤傳感器
ribbing 表面粗糙化;帶筋的
ribbing felt 條紋毛毯
ribbon saw 帶鋸
ribbon slitter 盤紙分切紙
ribbon type screw conveyer 帶狀螺旋運輸機
rice starch 米淀粉
rice straw 稻草
Richle test 環(huán)壓強度試驗
ricing (紙張)不均勻度
rider roll (牽引)壓紙輥
ridge (涂布紙表面)皺紋;(成形網(wǎng))起鼓
riding roll (牽引)壓紙輥
riffle 小溝
riffler 沉砂盤,除砂盤
riffling 沉砂,除砂
right hand machine 左手機
right lead spiral burr 左螺旋刻石刀
rigidity 剛性,剛度
rind 樹皮,外皮殼
ring barker 環(huán)式剝皮機
ring crush compression resistance 環(huán)壓強度
rind crush test 環(huán)壓強度試驗
rind crush tester 環(huán)壓強度測定儀
rind gall 樹瘤
rind pored wood 環(huán)孔材
rind porous wood 環(huán)孔材
rind rotary barker 環(huán)式剝皮機
rind stiffness 環(huán)壓挺度
rind type filling 填充環(huán)
rind type grinder 環(huán)式磨木機
rind valve 環(huán)形閥
rip slit 裂口,破口
ripenoing 成熟
ripper 縱切機
ripple finish 波紋整飾
ripple mark 皺紋痕(紙。
rippling 起皺
river driving 流送
river wood 流送材
rivet 鉚釘
reveted digester 鉚接蒸煮鍋
reveted joint 鉚縫
riveting 鉚接
roadside processing 木材露天加工
roast 焙澆
roaster 焙燒爐
roasting capacity 焙燒能力
robatized plant 自動化工廠
Roberts grinder 環(huán)式磨木機
robot 機器人
rocker shaft 搖擺軸
Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度
rod 連桿;掛桿
rod mill 棒磨機
Roe numbwer Roe氯值
Roe-chlorine number Roe氯值
roll 輥(子),輥筒
rool adjusting mechanism 落刀裝置
roll bar 飛刀片,打漿輥刀片
roll clamp 輥夾
roll coating 輥式涂布
roll crown 輥子中高
roll doctor (輥筒)刮刀
roll down 卷取
roll end 卷筒紙用封頭紙
roll end paster 卷筒紙端部粘貼機,封頭紙粘貼機
roll rinisher 卷筒紙包裝機
roll grinder 輥子磨床
roll grinding machine 輥子磨床
roll head cove (卷筒紙)木塞頭
roll heading machine (卷筒紙)端部裝木塞機
roll lowerator 飛刀輥升降裝置;紙卷降落裝置
roll mill 輥式精磨機
roll of board 卷筒紙板
roll of paper 紙卷
roll-out fourdrinier 移出式長網(wǎng)部
roll packer 卷筒紙包裝機
roll packing machine 卷筒紙包裝機
roll protector 輥筒防護板
roll set 卷筒紙邊緣卷曲
roll setting 落刀
roll side channel 飛刀輥側(cè)面流漿溝
roll skinner 濕抄機剝漿工
roll smoothing 輥子磨光
roll stand 卷紙架
roll ticket 卷筒紙用包裝紙;卷筒紙包裝機
roll wrapping machine 卷筒紙包裝機
rolled edge 卷邊
rolled towels 卷筒餐巾紙
rolled up 卷起
roller bearing 滾珠軸承
roller conveyer 輥式送輸機
roller matrix 輥壓式紙型
rolling of wire 卷網(wǎng)
Rontgen ray X射線,倫琴射線
roofing felt 油氈紙
roofing rags 油氈紙用雜破布
roofing shingles 屋頂紙板
Roots pump 羅茨真空泵
rope 繩;紙繩
rope carrier 領(lǐng)紙繩
rope conveyer 繩索運輸機
rope drive 繩索傳動
rope feed control 領(lǐng)紙繩控制裝置
rope fold 摺線痕(紙。
rope mark 領(lǐng)紙繩印痕(紙。
rope tag 標(biāo)簽帶紙
rope wrapping 廢繩制包裝紙
roping (涂布紙的)縱向折子(紙。
Roschier's number Roschier值(漂率值)
Rosenbald heat recovery system Rosenbald熱回收系統(tǒng)
rosin 松香
rosin-caseln size 松香干酪素膠
rosin cooking tank 熬膠鍋
rosin milk 松香乳液
rosin size 松香膠
rosin size cooking kettle 松香鍋,熬膠鍋
rosin sized 松香膠施膠
rosin sizing 松香膠施膠
rosin speck 松香斑(紙病)
rosin spot 松香斑(紙。
rosin wax emulsion 松香蠟乳液
rosin wax size 松香蠟?zāi)z
ross 剝皮
Ross diagram Ross圖,紙漿得率、木素與碳水化合物關(guān)系圖
Ross-Wagner furnace R.W.堿回收爐
rossed wood 剝皮原木
rosser 剝皮機
rot 腐朽
rot fungi 腐朽菌
rotabelt 履帶式吸水箱
rotameter 轉(zhuǎn)子流量計
rotapulper 回轉(zhuǎn)式碎漿機
rotary barker 鼓式剝皮機,圓筒剝皮機
rotary boiler 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮器
rotary brush damper 回轉(zhuǎn)刷潤濕機
rotary chip screen 圓筒木片篩
rotary continuous filter 回轉(zhuǎn)式連續(xù)過濾機
rotary cutter 輥刀切紙機;輥式切料機
rotary digester 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮器
rotary disc feeder 轉(zhuǎn)盤給料器
rotary disc knife (回轉(zhuǎn))盤刀
rotary drum vacuum filter 轉(zhuǎn)鼓真空過濾機
rotary feeder 回轉(zhuǎn)式給料器
rotary filter 回軌式過濾機
rotary furnace 回轉(zhuǎn)爐
rotary lime kiln 石灰回轉(zhuǎn)爐
rotary pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)泵
rotary resin fractionator 回轉(zhuǎn)式樹脂分離器
rotary screen 回轉(zhuǎn)篩;圓(筒)篩(漿機)
rotary sheeting 回轉(zhuǎn)式縱切刀
rotary slaker 石灰消化鼓
rotary slitter screen 圓筒除節(jié)機
rotary spherical digester 蒸球
rotary straner 回轉(zhuǎn)篩;圓(筒)篩(漿機)
rotary stock washer 圓筒洗漿機
rotary sulfur burner 回轉(zhuǎn)式硫磺燃燒爐
rotary suction box 輥式吸水箱
rotary valve 回轉(zhuǎn)閥
rotary viscometer 回轉(zhuǎn)式粘度計
rotating autoclave (試驗室)回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮鍋
rotating siphon 回轉(zhuǎn)式虹吸管
rotating speed 回轉(zhuǎn)速度
rotation 轉(zhuǎn)動;回轉(zhuǎn);輪換;旋光度
rotational grinding 回轉(zhuǎn)法磨漿
rotational moulding 回轉(zhuǎn)成型
rotor 轉(zhuǎn)子
rotor blade 轉(zhuǎn)子刀片
rotovisko viscometer 回轉(zhuǎn)式粘度計
rotted wood 腐朽材
rotten knot 腐朽節(jié)
rough dusting 初步除塵
rough finish 粗糙裝飾;(紙板)粗壓光
rough wood 帶皮原木
roughness 粗糙
round brush machine 圓型毛刷機
round head screw 圓頭螺絲
round knot 圓節(jié)
round timber 圓木
round wood 圓木
roundness 圓度
routine 例行程序
routine check 例行檢查
routine control procedure 例行控制程序
routine test 常規(guī)試驗
rover 卸料器
rubber 橡膠
rubber blanket (復(fù)印機壓輥用)橡膠毯;橡膠帶
rubber covered roll 包膠輥
rubber covering 橡膠表面
rubber latex 膠乳
rubber-lined (橡)膠襯里
rubber lining 膠襯
rubber roll (橡)膠輥
rubber spots 橡膠點(紙。
rubber wares wrappings 橡膠制品包裝紙
rubbing 磨斷;磨擦
rubbing off 磨斷
ruck (印刷機引起的)紙張皺紋
ruffclone 渦旋除渣器
ruled form 格紙
ruling machine 劃線機
ruling property 劃線適應(yīng)性
run 行程,過程;運轉(zhuǎn),滑行;試驗順序
run-off 跑漏
run-out type fourdrinier 移出式長網(wǎng)部
runnability 運轉(zhuǎn)性能;運行情況
runner 磨漿機轉(zhuǎn)子;澆口;攪拌器
running blank 空白試驗
running in 試運轉(zhuǎn)
running repair 在運轉(zhuǎn)中檢修
running without load 空運轉(zhuǎn)
rupture 破裂,裂斷
rotary backwater saveall 圓網(wǎng)白水回收機
repp tissue 浮雕花紋薄頁紙
roll toilet tissue 卷筒衛(wèi)生紙
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