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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-13
核心提示:put two and two together 根據(jù)事實(shí)推理 Two heads are better than one. 三個(gè)臭皮匠,頂個(gè)諸葛亮。 There are no two ways about it. 別無(wú)選擇;毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)的 be of two minds 三心二意 in two shakes of a lambs tail (as quickly as possible) 馬上;很快 kill two bi

    put two and two together 根據(jù)事實(shí)推理

    Two heads are better than one. 三個(gè)臭皮匠,頂個(gè)諸葛亮。

    There are no two ways about it. 別無(wú)選擇;毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)的

    be of two minds 三心二意

    in two shakes of a lamb’s tail (as quickly as possible) 馬上;很快

    kill two birds with one stone 一石二鳥(niǎo);一箭雙雕

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. “錯(cuò)錯(cuò)不得對(duì)” 不能利用別人的錯(cuò)誤來(lái)掩飾自己的錯(cuò)誤

    Two’s company, three’s a crowd. 兩人成伴,三人不歡。

    give three cheers for (為...)歡呼三聲(Hip, hip, hurrah!); (為...)三呼萬(wàn)歲

    six of one, half a dozen the other 半斤八兩

    in seventh heaven 暗喻心情極為快樂(lè)、滿足

    on cloud nine 高興得飄飄然

    dress to the nines 穿著非常時(shí)髦華麗

    a hundred to one shot 百分之一的可能;表示可能性很小

    forty winks 打盹

    at the eleventh hour 最后一刻

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