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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-01
核心提示:穩(wěn)壓器的性能參數(shù) performance parameter of regulator 穩(wěn)壓系數(shù) regulation factor 握手 handshake 無變壓器電源 non-transformer power supply 無縫越區(qū)切換 seamless handover 無繩電話 cordless telephone 無繩電話系統(tǒng) cordless telephone system 無繩電話站 tele

穩(wěn)壓器的性能參數(shù) performance parameter of regulator
穩(wěn)壓系數(shù) regulation factor
握手 handshake
無變壓器電源 non-transformer power supply
無縫越區(qū)切換 seamless handover
無繩電話 cordless telephone
無繩電話系統(tǒng) cordless telephone system
無繩電話站 telepoint
無繩局域網(wǎng) cordless local area network (CLAN)
無條件呼叫轉(zhuǎn)移 call forward unconditional
無線傳聲器 wireless microphone
無線電 radio
無線電波 radio wave, Hertzian waves
無線電波傳播 radio wave propagation
無線電地平線 radio horizon
無線電發(fā)射機 radio transmitter
無線電干擾 radio jamming
無線電環(huán)境 radio environment
無線電寂靜 radio silence
無線電接力通信 radio relay communication
無線電接收機 radio receiver
無線電臺(站) radio station
無線電通信 radiocommunication
無線電通信業(yè)務(wù) radiocommunication service
無線電通信中的發(fā)射 emission (in radiocommunition)
無線分系統(tǒng)指定越區(qū)切換 radio sub-system directed handover
無線分系統(tǒng)準則 radio sun-system criteria
無線革命 wireless revolution
無線接力系統(tǒng) radio-relay system
無線鏈路協(xié)議 radio link protocol (RLP)
無線通信業(yè)務(wù) radio communication service
無線線路 radiolink
無線信道群 radio channel group (RCG)
無線尋呼1號碼 radio-paging code No. 1
無線尋呼系統(tǒng) radio paging system
無線助聽系統(tǒng) radio hearing aid system
無線專用交換機 wireless private branch exchanger (WPBX)
無線本地環(huán)路 radio local loops
無線電話交換機 wireless telephone exchanger (WTX)
無用發(fā)射 unwanted emission
無用信號 unwanted signal, undesired signal
無源網(wǎng)絡(luò) passive network
無源遙感器 passive sensor
無源元件 passive component
無源中繼站 passive relay station
無中心多信道選址系統(tǒng) multi-channel access system without central control
五音順序制 five tone sequential system
物理層 physical layer
物理接口 physical interface
物理接口規(guī)范 physical interface specification
物理線路 physical circuit
誤比特率 bit error ratio
誤差 error
誤差概率 word error probability
誤差信號 error signal
誤碼 error code
誤碼擴散 error spread
誤碼率(誤碼比) error rate (error ratio)
誤碼增殖 error multiplication
誤碼增殖因子 error multiplication factor

吸收鉗 absorbing clamp
系流氣球通信 captive balloon communication
系統(tǒng)編碼容量 system coding capacity
系統(tǒng)變化控制 system coding control
系統(tǒng)方法 system approach
系統(tǒng)功能 system function
系統(tǒng)管理終端 system manager terminal
系統(tǒng)規(guī)范 system specification
系統(tǒng)環(huán)境 environment of system
系統(tǒng)恢復(fù)時間 system recovery time
系統(tǒng)集成 system integration
系統(tǒng)間干擾 inter-system interference
系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu) system architecture
系統(tǒng)可行性論證 system feasibility study
系統(tǒng)控制器 central controller
系統(tǒng)論 system theory
系統(tǒng)模擬 system simulation
系統(tǒng)模型 system model
系統(tǒng)內(nèi)干擾 intra-system interference
系統(tǒng)全呼 system wide call
系統(tǒng)設(shè)計評審 system design review
系統(tǒng)試驗 system testing
系統(tǒng)損耗 system loss
系統(tǒng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu) system network architecture
系統(tǒng)優(yōu)化 system optimization
系統(tǒng)總工作時間 system overall operate time
隙外信令 out-slot signalling
下變頻器 down-converter
下午效應(yīng) afternoon effect
下行鏈路 downlink
先來先服務(wù) first-come first service
顯示技術(shù) display technology
限幅電路 amplitude limiting circuit
限幅靈敏度 amplitude limiting sensitivity
限幅中頻放大器 IF limiting amplifier
限流保護 current-limiting protection
線路 feeder
線路故障 line fault
線路集中器 line concentrator
線路碼 line code

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