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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-21
核心提示:open administration 政務公開 act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections 外引內(nèi)聯(lián) show magnanimity 采取高姿態(tài) target hitting activities 達標活動 crack down on counterfeit goods 打假 real effective exc

  open administration 政務公開

  act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections 外引內(nèi)聯(lián)

  show magnanimity 采取高姿態(tài)

  target hitting activities 達標活動

  crack down on counterfeit goods 打假

  real effective exchange rate 實效匯率


  agreement 回購協(xié)議

  tax exempt

  special savings account 免稅特別儲蓄賬戶

  variable rate mortgage 可變利率抵押

  working capital guarantee 流動資金擔保

  setting and transmitting interest rates 利率形成和傳導機制

  slavish moves 盲目趨同

  encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures 鼓勵兼并,規(guī)范破產(chǎn)

  try to informationize the national economy 推進國民經(jīng)濟信息化

  take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics 沿著有中國特色的社會主義道路闊步前進

  unregistered employment; veiled re-employment 隱形就業(yè)

  support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each other's strengths 支持強強聯(lián)合,實現(xiàn)優(yōu)勢互補

  market forecast and early warning 市場監(jiān)測

  overstatements in the market 市場過度炒作


關鍵詞: 商務 詞匯
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