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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-10-27
核心提示:C070111 豆芽機 bean sprout machine C070103 粉條機 vermicelli machine 070295 和面機 Kneading machines 070038 攪乳器 Churns 070240 精榨機 Presses (Smoothing ) C070105 饅頭機 steamed bread C070104 面包機 bread machine 070266 磨面機 Flour mill machines

C070111  豆芽機  bean sprout machine  

C070103  粉條機  vermicelli machine  

070295  和面機  Kneading machines  

070038  攪乳器  Churns  

070240  精榨機  Presses (Smoothing –)  

C070105  饅頭機  steamed bread  

C070104  面包機  bread machine  

070266  磨面機  Flour mill machines  

070046  奶油機  Butter machines  

C070098  碾米機  grinding rice machine  

070053  碾面機  Flour mills  

070263  碾碎機  Grinding machines  

C070101  切面機  cutting noodle machine  

C070117  酸奶機  acidophilus milk tool  

070166  剔肉機  Fleshing machines  

C070115  貼標機  stick mark machine  

C070116  屠宰機  slaughter machine  

C070110  洗罐機  washing jar machine  

070346  香腸機  Sausage machines  

070454  削皮機  Peeling machines  

C070100  壓面機  press flour machine  

C070107  榨油機  oil mill  

070222  制酪機  Dairy machines  

070356  制糖機  Sugar making machines  

C070097  礱谷機  hulling mill  

C070106  包餃子機  making dumpling machine  

070288  切面包機  Bread cutting machines  

C070102  餅干印形機  biscuit marking machine  

C070108  甘蔗壓榨機  sugarcane presser

070087  離心碾磨機  Centrifugal mills  

070065  瓶子沖洗機  Bottle washing machines  

070083  乳脂分離器  Cream/milk separators  

C070114  食品包裝機  foodstuff pachaging machine  

070455  蔬菜軋碎機  Grating machines for vegetables  

C070112  水果剝皮機  fruit barker  

070296  制食用醬機  Edible pastes making machines  

070211  絞肉機(機械)  Meat choppers [machines]  

070121  切根機(機器)  Turnip cutters [machines]  

070211  碎肉機(機械)  Meat mincers [machines]  

070121  根切片機(機器)  Root slicers [machines]  

C070370  食品工業(yè)用磨漿機  Juice Grinder for Food Industry  

070423  制食品用電動機械  Food preparation machines, electromechanical  

C070109  罐頭工業(yè)用機器設備  can equipment  

070059  渣滓收集機(機器)  Mud catchers and collectors [machines]  #p#分頁標題#e#

C070113  膠體磨(食品工業(yè)用)  colloid grinder  

070263  碾碎機  Rammers [machines]  

070263  碾碎機  Crushing machines  

070065  瓶子沖洗機  Bottle washing machines  

070083  乳脂分離器  Cream/milk separators  

070455  蔬菜軋碎機  Grating machines for vegetables  

070059  渣滓收集機(機器)  Mud catchers and collectors [machines] 


C070093  烘干機  drying machine  

C070095  解塊機  unravel machine  

C070090  揉捻機  knead entwist machine  

C070092  殺青機  removing green machine  

C070091  萎凋機  wither machine  

C070094  斜鍋機  slanting pan machine  

C070096  壓茶磚機  press brick tea machine  

C070089  制茶機械  make tea equipment


070066  釀造機器  Brewing machines  

070102  果酒榨汁機  Presses  

070315  電動制飲料機  Beverage preparation machines, electromechanical  

070163  汽水制造設備  Aerated water making apparatus  

070164  制礦泉水機械  Mineral water making machines  

070056  汽水飲料制造機  Aerated beverages making machines  

070012  抽啤酒用壓力裝置  Beer (Apparatus for drawing up – )under pressure)  

070102  (榨取釀酒用的葡萄汁的)榨汁機  Presses (Wine –)  

070164  制礦泉水機械  Mineral water making machines  

070056  汽水飲料制造機  Aerated beverages making machines


070255  煙草加工機  Tobacco processing machines  

070103  工業(yè)用卷煙機  Cigarette machines for industrial purposes

關鍵詞: 食品 機械 部件
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