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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-03-22
核心提示:以人為本的社會 people-first society 廉租房 low-rent house 廉租房項(xiàng)目low-rent housing program 經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房 economically affordable house 二手房 resold apartment 小型和中型不動產(chǎn)small and medium-sized condominiums 中低收入家庭 low- and middle-income fam

以人為本的社會 people-first society

廉租房 low-rent house

廉租房項(xiàng)目low-rent housing program

經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房 economically affordable house

二手房 resold apartment

小型和中型不動產(chǎn)small and medium-sized condominiums

中低收入家庭 low- and middle-income families

高收入家庭 high-income families

中等收入階層 middle-income bracket

房地產(chǎn)real estate

多渠道解決住房問題 an integrated effort to solve housing problems

保持社會穩(wěn)定 to maintain social stability

城市貧困人口urban poor

低收入城市居民的住房困難housing difficulties of low-income urban residents

增加“兩限房”供給 to increase supply of reasonably priced housing

抑制高端房產(chǎn)需求 to curb demand for high-end housing

防止房價(jià)過熱 to prevent overheating in housing prices

囤積和投機(jī)土地和房地產(chǎn) to hoard and speculate land and houses

次貸危機(jī) subprime crisis   


關(guān)鍵詞: 政府 報(bào)告 住房篇
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