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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-05-06
核心提示:Swine flu has become widespread in the United States, with 226 cases in 30 states and more expected to turn up in additional states in the next few days, federal health officials said Sunday. I think its circulating all over the U.S., Dr. Anne Schuc

Swine flu has become widespread in the United States, with 226 cases in 30 states and more expected to turn up in additional states in the next few days, federal health officials said Sunday.

“I think it’s circulating all over the U.S.,” Dr. Anne Schuchat, the interim deputy director for science and public health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a news conference. “The virus has arrived, I would say, in most of the country now.”

The good news, Dr. Schuchat said, is that most cases in the United States have been mild, and health officials in Mexico said that cases there seemed to be leveling off.

But Dr. Schuchat said, “I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet.”

She said the virus, called H1N1 by scientists, had a number of unusual features that were cause for concern. It has flared up at a time of year when the flu season is normally ending. It is new, so people probably have little or no resistance to it.

And unlike the common types of seasonal flu, it appears to infect an unusually high percentage of young people. The median age of patients is 17.

“Very few confirmed are over 50,” Dr. Schuchat said. “They tend to be younger. Whether it will pan out in the weeks ahead we don’t know, but it is a pattern that looks different from seasonal influenza.”

Of 30 people hospitalized in this country, she continued, a high proportion are older children and younger adults, a big change from the age groups that generally have the highest risk of needing hospital care for flu: the elderly and the very young.

She said scientists at the C.D.C. were preparing a “seed stock” from virus samples that could be used for a vaccine.

Similar work began several weeks ago to make a vaccine to protect pigs from the H1N1 virus, said Dr. John R. Clifford, the chief veterinary officer for animal health for the Department of Agriculture. He said the new virus had never been found in pigs in this country. But pigs in Canada have contracted it from a human, indicating that the animals are susceptible.

Worldwide, laboratories have now confirmed 898 human cases of the new swine flu in 18 countries, according to the World Health Organization.

Outside the Americas, the country with the most cases is Spain, with 44. All but four involved people who had recently traveled to Mexico, and all are recovering, the Spanish Health Ministry said.

The ministry said it would tighten controls at airports on Monday, but did not say how. Passengers arriving from affected areas have been filling out health questionnaires, and cabin crews have been supplied with gloves and masks.

The possibility that H1N1 might be passed back and forth between humans and pigs was discussed at a World Health Organization news teleconference from Geneva on Sunday. Canadian officials reported on Saturday that an infected farm worker had spread the virus to pigs in Alberta.

Peter K. Ben Embarek, a food safety scientist with the health organization, said there was also a risk that the disease could go the other way: that people who worked closely with sick animals on farms or in slaughterhouses could catch it from the pigs. In the past, he said, people have caught other types of swine flu from contact with infected pigs.

“Of course that could happen again here,” Dr. Ben Embarek said, adding that it was important to avoid exposing people to sick animals — and also to avoid exposing pigs to sick people.

Dr. Ben Embarek and other health officials reiterated that it was safe to eat properly cooked pork and also cured pork products like ham.

“You can continue to eat safely your prosciutto,” he said.

The cases in the pigs in Canada were detected because of a policy introduced months ago in Alberta, which requires farmers and veterinarians to report all cases of flu in pigs to the government. But Jurgen Preugschas, the chairman of the Canadian Pork Council, said the country’s decision on April 24 to increase oversight of the pork industry, in response to the H1N1 outbreak, probably led health officials to react quickly to the report from the Alberta farm.

In the United States, farmers are not required to report flu in pigs to the government. Dr. Clifford said that influenza was endemic in pigs in this country. Every year, he added, some pigs sick with the flu are tested and the virus is analyzed, and the new strain of H1N1 has never been found in pigs in this country.

“Just like people have flu seasons, so do pigs, normally in fall and winter,” Dr. Clifford said, adding that vaccine is widely used, and that some 58 million doses were produced last year for pigs in the United States. If a new vaccine is produced to prevent H1N1, it will be up to individual hog producers to decide whether to use it.

In New York, researchers are still trying to figure out why so many students at St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens became infected; 59 cases, all of them mild, have been linked to the school.

Nancy Clark, assistant commissioner for environmental disease prevention at the New York City Health Department, said one suspect, a new ventilation system at the school, did not appear to be a cause.

“We inspected many components of it, and generally found it to be in good condition and clean,” Ms. Clark said.


美國疾病控制預(yù)防中心科學(xué)與公共衛(wèi)生部副主任Anne Schuchat 博士在一次新聞發(fā)布會(huì)上說,豬流感正蔓延至整個(gè)美國,現(xiàn)在這種病毒已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在美國大部分地區(qū)。值得慶幸的是,美國的大部分病例并不嚴(yán)重。墨西哥衛(wèi)生局官員也聲稱病情形勢(shì)似乎正在穩(wěn)定下來。不過Schuchat 博士卻認(rèn)為美國豬流感仍處于危險(xiǎn)期。



Schuchat 博士說,經(jīng)證實(shí)病患很少有超過50歲的,他們大多比較年輕,至于這種病毒在未來幾周能否得到有效控制則無法估計(jì),不過可以肯定它不同于季節(jié)性流感。


農(nóng)業(yè)部獸醫(yī)局首席獸醫(yī)官John R. Clifford博士說,他們?cè)趲字芮熬鸵呀?jīng)開始研究制作疫苗防止豬感染甲型H1N1流感病毒,他說以前從未在這個(gè)國家的豬身上發(fā)現(xiàn)過這種病毒。但是加拿大的豬卻從人身上感染這種病毒,說明動(dòng)物也很容易被感染。




衛(wèi)生組織食品安全專家Peter K. Ben Embarek說,伴隨這種疾病可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)另一個(gè)問題,即在農(nóng)場(chǎng)或屠宰廠和患病動(dòng)物親密接觸的人會(huì)從豬身上感染病毒,并且人類也曾有因?yàn)榕c病豬接觸而染上其他豬流感病毒的先例。同樣的情況也會(huì)發(fā)生在這種豬流感的傳播中,因此在未采取預(yù)防措施的情況下應(yīng)該避免讓人接觸患病動(dòng)物或讓動(dòng)物接觸病人。

Ben Embarek博士和其他衛(wèi)生部官員重申,適當(dāng)食用煮熟的豬肉和熏制的肉類食品(比如火腿)不會(huì)感染病毒。

據(jù)調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),加拿大的豬流感是由亞伯達(dá)省幾個(gè)月前頒布的一項(xiàng)政策發(fā)現(xiàn)的,這項(xiàng)政策規(guī)定農(nóng)民和獸醫(yī)須向政府上報(bào)所有豬流感病案。加拿大豬肉委員會(huì)主席Jurgen Preugschas卻認(rèn)為,由于國家針對(duì)H1N1流感病毒爆發(fā)已于4月24日作出加強(qiáng)對(duì)肉類工業(yè)監(jiān)督的決定,所以衛(wèi)生部可能會(huì)對(duì)亞伯達(dá)農(nóng)場(chǎng)的病案快速做出反應(yīng)。

而美國的農(nóng)民無需向政府上報(bào)豬流感病例。 Clifford博士說美國只有某些地區(qū)才有豬流感,而且每年美國都要檢查一些病豬和分析這種病毒,所以H1NI流感病毒在這個(gè)國家并不嚴(yán)重。


紐約的研究員仍在調(diào)查皇后區(qū)的舊金山預(yù)科學(xué)校多名學(xué)生被傳染的原因。其中58 起病案程度較輕,而且都與學(xué)校有關(guān)。

紐約市衛(wèi)生部環(huán)境病預(yù)防中心副局長Nancy Clark表示,學(xué)校新建的通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)并不是疾病產(chǎn)生的原因,因?yàn)檎{(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)校的通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)都很潔凈通暢。

關(guān)鍵詞: 豬流感 英語短文
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