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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-05-06
核心提示:Signaling a shared commitment to sustainability, four leading carton manufacturers Tetra Pak, Elopak, Evergreen Packaging and SIG Combibloc have established the Carton Council to help increase carton recycling in the United States. The council plans

    Signaling a shared commitment to sustainability, four leading carton manufacturers — Tetra Pak, Elopak, Evergreen Packaging and SIG Combibloc — have established the Carton Council to help increase carton recycling in the United States.

    The council plans to promote both recycling technology and local collection programs. It will also encourage consumers to consider the environmental impact of product packaging before they make a purchase. As examples, both gable top and aseptic cartons are made primarily from paper, a renewable resource that is highly recyclable.

    The $35 billion U.S. market for food and beverage packaging has plenty of opportunities for growth in sustainable packaging options, according to a new report on paper, plastic, metal, glass and flexible packaging for the food and beverage industries. According to the second annual Beverage Container Recycling Scorecard and Report, most beverage companies continued to fail basic criteria for dealing with environmental implications of their packaging.

    According to the Carton Council only 26 states have communities that are able to recycle carton. One of the first alliances established by the council to increase carton recycling is with Waste Management, which has agreed to include cartons in all its recycling programs.

    Tropicana, Waste Management, Dean Foods and the Carton Council launched a pilot program in Tampa, Fla., to promote carton recycling, reported Environmental Protection. The initiative is now expanding to include all areas that Waste Management has recycling processing facilities.

    Tropicana, Waste Management and the Carton Council also announced a national campaign to increase carton recycling to every community in the U.S. The paper board used in Tropicana’s juice cartons has received certification to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) fiber sourcing standard.


    理事會(huì)計(jì)劃促進(jìn)循環(huán)利用技術(shù)的發(fā)展并促進(jìn)紙箱在各地的收集。 理事會(huì)還將采取行動(dòng)鼓勵(lì)消費(fèi)者在購買產(chǎn)品前首先考慮產(chǎn)品包裝對(duì)環(huán)境的影響。 例如,山頂形包裝盒和無菌盒通常都是紙制的,而如果采用可再生材料制造,就可以更好的回收利用。

    一份關(guān)于紙、塑料、金屬、玻璃及柔性材料等食品及飲料包裝材料的報(bào)告最近指出,美國食品及飲料包裝業(yè)有350億美元的市場(chǎng),在發(fā)展可持續(xù)包裝業(yè)方面有很好的機(jī)會(huì)和潛力。 據(jù)第二次年度飲料容器循環(huán)利用評(píng)分及報(bào)告顯示,多數(shù)飲料公司在解決其飲料包裝對(duì)環(huán)境的影響方面依然達(dá)不到最基本的要求。

    紙箱理事會(huì)稱,全國只有26個(gè)州,其社區(qū)擁有回收紙箱的能力。 最近,紙箱理事會(huì)與廢棄物管理組織達(dá)成合作,廢棄物管理組織同意將紙箱納入其循環(huán)再利用規(guī)劃。

    據(jù)環(huán)境保護(hù)的報(bào)道,為了促進(jìn)紙箱的循環(huán)利用,純品康納、廢棄物管理組織、迪安食品及紙箱理事會(huì)在佛羅里達(dá)坦帕市開展了一項(xiàng)試點(diǎn)項(xiàng)目。 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)計(jì)劃在全部有廢棄物管理組織回收利用處理設(shè)施的地區(qū)開展紙箱回收利用活動(dòng)。


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